Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Just two days before I had a wonderful experience. It was like going back into time.

My mom,sister and I were chatting about our childhood memories when my sister had a brainwave of taking out all our photo albums.

We started going through them and the memories started rushing in.

There were photos of my sister when she was a baby and we remembered how she didnt use to leave my mom at all and cry the whole time when my mom wasnt around, how she liked to eat chips after getting up early in the morning.

My photos reminded me of how stupidly naive i used to look (though i cant say the situation has improved), my teeth in front with braces on.
We also remembered all our clothes and also where and when we had brought them from. We had our favourites, then also!

We saw mom and dad getting married.. They were seriously thinner than they are now, to say nothing of the greying hair and fading hairline.. :)

Seeing the photos of our grandparents brought back memories of the gifts they had given us, the unique mannerisms and identities of them which since long have faded away from this world but will never from our mind.

Then there was our old house before the renovation which was simpler but somehow more appealing than the current one.
It also reminded us of the places we had visited, the gardens we used to frequent...

Then I went to my report cards. Right from the kindergarten till the 10th. I was estatic to see the comments my teachers had given me.Felt like I had gone back to school.The class photos at the back were a thing of enjoyment in itself. I could almost see my classmates grow up slowly as each year passed. I remembered the tokens we used to get for a good behaviour and all of us proudly showing them off in the photograph.

When I compared those with the people i had recently met, there was such a stark difference. Some had grown up from being chubby, with specs to being lean with lenses.
Some had grown so tall that it was hard recognising them.

Remembering people I once used to share all my time with, people who were distinct in their own way, people who had come in my life for a very short period, teachers who very fun, made me want to relive all those moments again.

So much a photo album can do, take us back into memory lane.

So anyday you feel sad or depressed, feel as if there is no one for u, just take out your photo albums and go through them. U will find thousands of faces smiling back at you... :)


  1. I didn't know you had braces :).
    Yes, photos are a great way to re-live the past, especially memories of when you were really small.
    Nice article ru :)

  2. very nice nd absolutely true...photo albums bring back sum awesome memories..i hv sum pics which make me roll over with laughter whenever i see them...:)

  3. :)... and such moments are to be cherished forever! :)

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  5. I wish for a like / upvote button here. The last line is just stellar.
