Thursday, August 5, 2010


On the eve of joining a really reputed software company, my mind is clustered with thoughts...

When I was home for two months after the exams with no joining date in hand, I was damn frustrated and bored sitting at home and hoping to get the joining date as soon as possible. Almost all my friends had joined their respective companies and hearing their different experiences, I was rearing to go.

But when I got my joining date last week and was told to join immediately next week, a volley of
thoughts passed my mind. There were too many things to do now and too less time. Suddenly I felt I didnt want to join so soon because once I join, that will b the end of many things. I wont be able to get up late, laze around doing nothing, watch a 11-1 movie on HBO or STAR movies everyday, sleep at 2 am and most important of all I wont be able to get my 2 hours sleep after lunch. Oh my God!

But as all good things have to end, so did my 2 month long vacation. The last week went in a flash. There were too many things to do. That too along with the regular sleep quota( last week of getting sleep-wouldnt have missed it for my life!)

And now the day has arrived. I dont know exactly what my emotions are. I am worried a little, a little flustered(hope all my documents are in order), excited and for the most part ready to start. I am hoping to make new friends there, hoping to fit in and hoping to learn many new things which i have heard only the names of. I am sure this journey will be as fulfilling and as satisfying as the journey till now...

Till then this is me signing off, entering the Corporate World!!!


  1. hey ru...wat2go...sahi ekdm... :)

  2. So how was the experience? I wish I could have got a respite like a 2-month vacation! I joined in a few weeks from passing out of engineering.
